“The stone which the builders rejected has become the
cornerstone.” (Psalm 118:22)
With the much-anticipated Man of Steel hurtling towards us, there’s much to reflect upon
regarding the value of Superman in our culture. For example, as a Christ metaphor, Superman exhibits the
characteristics of the Savior that our world needs. His purity offers us something to aspire for. His otherworldly strength and compassion
demonstrates himself as one who will keep us safe from supernatural evil. Though, despite the truth of all of
these statements, there is still another important element that is less
The human race isn’t the only group that needs Superman.
I’m speaking, of course, of the Justice League.
Although the primary emphasis for Superman remains as a
salvific force for the human race, he also remains a key figure in DC’s
alliance of superheroes. (In fact,
Warner Bros. has gone on record by saying that the fate of the long-awaited
Justice League film hinders on the success of Man of Steel.) Interestingly, however, exactly how central a role that may be is a subject of much debate. For
years, despite being one of the founding members of the Justice League (and, arguably, the most powerful), his
worthiness as leader of this team of DC’s finest has been questioned openly
amongst fans. Having been accused
of being a ‘boy scout’, Superman’s ‘small-town morals’ and relentless pursuit
of truth often fly in opposition of other, more ‘progressive’ members of the team.
While Superman may be only one member of this very diverse group
of heroes, the truth is that Justice League would be a very different team without
him at the helm. Could the team
truly function properly if centered around Batman’s vigilante nature and moral
ambiguity? Would the team remain as grounded if led by Green Lantern and his
cockiness? The Flash’s immaturity and impulsiveness? (In some ways, a sound
case can be made for Wonder Woman yet she seems to lack the charisma necessary.)
Despite their many positives, all of these superhero legends contain very
visible character flaws that hinder their leadership abilities.
Superman, however, exudes a character that creates an
element of stability to a team that, if weak in leadership, could become
volatile. For instance, his commitment to serving others and sacrificing
himself to protect humanity reveals a God-like humility that allows him to recognize
the value of others, despite their differences. As a result, he inspires the
best in his fellow heroes, encouraging them to work together for the good of
humanity instead of themselves. Similarly, his lack of compromise and
unwavering moral centre helps call the Justice League to a higher ethical
standard (one that, say, Batman has little interest in serving). In other
words, by centering itself on Superman, the Justice League automatically
develops a sense of moral accountability that it needs to lead benevolently. In
fact, other than simply being unpopular in today’s ethically ambiguous cultural
climate, one would be hard pressed to find any particularly glaring character
flaw within the Son of Krypton.
And, it’s for this reason that Superman is the very
cornerstone of the Justice League.
Historically, the ‘cornerstone’ refers to the first brick
laid in the construction of a building’s foundation. The importance of this
stone increases due to the fact that all other pieces are placed in reference
to this one piece. In essence, this brick quickly becomes the basis of the
entire foundation. Theologically, this principle has also been used in
Scripture in reference to the household of God that was “built on the
foundations of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the
chief cornerstone.” (Eph. 2:20; NIV) In Biblical examples like this, the author
seeks to draw attention to the fact that Jesus is the foundation of our faith
and the reference point that we build our lives upon. Without Jesus, the faith
In the realm of DC superheroes, however, there is little
question that this mantle falls on Superman. Although fictitious, his role in
the Justice League reveals the need for Christ-like influences that offer a
foretaste of the Kingdom to those around us. In the same way that Superman sets
the standard for all members of the Justice League that follow, so too does
Christ becomes the very foundation of our faith, offering the example of Godly
And that is something everyone must build upon.
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