Phew. It's been a while.
Admittedly, I'm not one of those people who blog every day anyways but, certainly, I've committed myself to 2-3 a month. (Believe it or not, these posts take me quite a while to produce... which could be a good or bad thing, pending what you think of them. lol) At any rate, sudden health issues pretty much too over my life for the month of March and so, things like blogging kinda took a backseat. (Although, oddly enough, it has never really left my mind--I've enjoyed this far too much.)
At any rate, I would like to once again thank everyone who has continued to offer their prayer and support. It has meant more than you could ever know.
Things have settled down immensely now and I have caught up on most of my workload as well. As such, I hope to get some posts up again at my usual pace.
I'm sure that much of this didn't really need to be said. (I'm sure that there isn't anyone out there lamenting the disappearance of this conversation.) Still, I felt that, due to the unique relationship of blogger/recipient, I would fire off a quick post to get you up to speed. This particular opportunity to discuss the conversation between faith and film--although relatively small--has been exciting and fun for me and I hope for you as well.
So, thanks.
Good to have you back.
Thanks Jamie, I appreciate that.