In case you haven't heard of them before, Hollywood Jesus is a website devoted to examining pop culture from a spiritual point of view.
Sound familiar?
Active for 13 years now, Hollywood Jesus has many people on their staff -- I estimate about 80? -- and exists primarily online. I have been told that, on the whole, the site receives roughly 60 000 hits a week. Reviews and comments vary widely, both in content and style. I have kept an eye on their site for several years and respect what they are attempting to do. Their staff discuss all sorts of media, ranging from movies to video games. I will be contributing to them on a monthly basis with film reviews and other stuff.
So, what of Movio Dei?
I assure you that my blog will continue to go forward. I haven't quite figured out what that means yet (i.e. whether I write only film reviews for HJ and other things here) but I will let you know. As for now, I'm working on my next review and (at least for this one) probably post it to both sites.
I would appreciate prayer as God opens this new door for me.
It's nice to know there are others like us out there.